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Mange in Wildlife

About Mange
Mange is a skin disease caused by mites that affects many mammals. In wildlife, we mainly see it in squirrels and fox but it can affect raccoons and others as well. Mange is specific to mammals, birds do not catch mange. The main symptom of mange is severe itching, which can lead to other symptoms:
Hair loss
Raised bumps
Thick crusted skin/scabs
Skin infection
If severe it can also cause:
Weight loss
In some cases death

Squirrel with mange
Fox with mange
We can help
If you see the infected animal regularly (at least once a week) and it does not appear to be sick/catchable, we can provide medication to be hidden/given in food to treat the issue. You will need to be fairly certain you can get the food to the infected animal and that the probability of another animal getting it is low.